Order 1920 Second Relevant State Equity Forum
Announcement of Second Relevant State Entity Forum for WestConnect Planning Region
Pursuant to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order No. 1920, the Enrolled Transmission Owners in the WestConnect planning region1 hereby provide notice of the second Relevant State Entity forum for the WestConnect planning region.2
The virtual forum will be held from 1pm-3pm Mountain Time on Thursday, February 13, 2025. The tentative agenda for this forum includes:
1. An update on Order No. 1920-A state engagement process issues;
2. A presentation on cost allocation methods used in other regions in the West;
3. A summary of feedback collected from Relevant State
Entities prior to the forum (survey
questions provided to Relevant State Entities on January 27, 2025);
4. A breakout session focused on state engagement process issues.
Registration and Participation
All individuals seeking to attend the forum should register for this forum by 5pm Mountain Time on February 11, 2025, by sending their name and email address to Individuals seeking to attend on behalf of a Relevant State Entity should specify what entity they represent.
Members of the public will be able to attend the following forum sessions in a listen-only capacity: (1) the update on Order 1920-A, (2) the general discussion on cost allocation, and (3) the review of survey feedback from the Relevant State Entities. Members of the public will not be permitted to attend or listen to the Relevant State Entities’ breakout session, which also does not include participation by WestConnect Enrolled Transmission Owners. This level of public participation may change in future forums based on the desired meeting process requested by the Relevant State Entities.
Additional information regarding this meeting will be posted no later than one week before the meeting. All Relevant State Entities are invited and encouraged to participate.
Relevant State Entities may communicate with the Enrolled Transmission Owners in the WestConnect planning region by sending any questions or comments to
The same email address should be used to notify the Enrolled Transmission Owners regarding any agreement by the Relevant State Entities as to (i) Long-Term Regional Transmission Cost Allocation and/or (ii) a State Agreement Process.
1The Enrolled Transmission Owners include: Arizona Public Service Company; Basin Electric Power Cooperative; Black Hills Colorado Electric, LLC; Black Hills Power, Inc.; Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company; Deseret Power Electric Cooperative; El Paso Electric Company; Public Service Company of Colorado; Public Service Company of New Mexico; Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.; Tucson Electric Power Company; and UNS Electric, Inc.
2Order No. 1920 at P 1355 defines Relevant State Entities “as any state entity responsible for electric utility regulation or siting electric transmission facilities within the state or portion of a state located in the transmission planning region, including any state entity as may be designated for that purpose by the law of such state.” All other capitalized terms used in this notice have the meaning provided in FERC Order No. 1920.