Order 1920 Stakeholder Outreach

Announcement of Stakeholder Outreach  Process for WestConnect Planning Region

Pursuant to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order No. 1920, the Enrolled Transmission Owners in the WestConnect planning region1 hereby provide notice that they intend to conduct a stakeholder outreach process related to their Order 1920 compliance
proposal. The stakeholder outreach process will provide opportunities for interested parties to provide feedback on the compliance proposal prior to its filing with the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission.

The anticipated stakeholder outreach process is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2025 and consist of the following sequential steps:

1.  During the first quarter of 2025, the Enrolled Transmission Owners will host one or
      more meetings with all interested stakeholders. These meetings will include a
      presentation by the Enrolled Transmission Owners on their anticipated approach to Order
      1920 compliance. The Enrolled Transmission Owners do not anticipate providing draft
      tariff language for these meetings.

2.  Stakeholders will be invited to provide written feedback on the material presented during
      these initial meetings within a specified time period.

3.  The Enrolled Transmission Owners will post their proposed tariff language for Order 1920
      compliance to the WestConnect website.

4.  Stakeholders will be invited to provide written feedback on the proposed tariff changes
      within a specified time period.

Registration information for these stakeholder meetings will be posted in advance on the website. Interested stakeholders may also ask to be added to a distribution list for the registration information once it is available. If you would like to be added to that list, please send an email with your name and contact information to

Please note that the stakeholder process described in this notice is separate from the state engagement process with Relevant State Entities2 that began on October 28, 2024, and is currently ongoing.

Stakeholders may communicate with the Enrolled Transmission Owners in the WestConnect planning region regarding the stakeholder outreach process by sending any questions or comments to



1The Enrolled Transmission Owners include: Arizona Public Service Company; Basin Electric Power Cooperative; Black Hills Colorado Electric, LLC; Black Hills Power, Inc.; Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power Company; Deseret Power Electric Cooperative; El Paso Electric Company; Public Service Company of Colorado; Public Service Company of New Mexico; Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.; Tucson Electric Power Company; and UNS Electric, Inc.

2Order No. 1920 at P 1355 defines Relevant State Entities “as any state entity responsible for electric utility regulation or siting electric transmission facilities within the state or portion of a state located in the transmission planning region, including any state entity as may be designated for that purpose by the law of such state.” All other capitalized terms used in this notice have the meaning provided in FERC Order No. 1920.